Backyard Food Forest Garden with Pond

Backyard Food Forest Garden with Pond Plastic Shell Pond 01

Backyard Food Forest Garden with Pond Plastic Shell Pond 02

Backyard Food Forest Garden with Pond Plastic Shell Pond 03

Backyard Food Forest Garden with Pond Plastic Shell Pond 04

Backyard Food Forest Garden with Pond Plastic Shell Pond 05

Backyard Food Forest Garden with Pond Plastic Shell Pond 06

Backyard Food Forest Garden with Pond Plastic Shell Pond Cat Drinks From Pond

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Backyard Food Forest Garden with Pond

Backyard Bamboo Hut

Backyard Food Forest Garden with Pond

This was one of the most epic garden projects I ever worked on and lived within. It was a co-op house collective of gardeners. Several of us were dedicated to horticultural sciences and arts, so together we each brought different elements. This backyard garden was one of the most full featured, animal integrated food forests I've worked on. I installed the ponds and many of the crops, and organized a mountain of mulch to be delivered for free. We all worked as a team to spread the mulch and the soil moisture and fertility was amazing.