Backyard Food Forest Garden

Backyard Food Forest Garden 01

Backyard Food Forest Garden 02

Backyard Food Forest Garden 03

Backyard Food Forest Garden

This project site exemplified some of the best and most ideal social and economic relationships that can be formed with a permaculture mindset. I was asked by a friend to help transform their backyard into a forest garden. During the early phases I would visit and help to prepare the land for a reasonable hourly fee. Then as the project progressed into more intensive stages, we negotiated an arrangement where I'd also be able to earn rental access to a room at the house for a time. This allowed me to avoid commuting back and forth, and I was able to focus on the project almost exclusively. As a nomadic person by nature, I had established this mutually beneficial pattern over the course of many years. For me the logic is, why pay money to a landlord and in most circumstances not even be allowed to install a garden or modify the property in any way, when there are folks who'd be happy to house you while transform their landscape into an edible and medicinal paradise.

It's also great to work with clients who are serious and passionate about home grown food, and enjoying spending time in the garden. When you help them get a good start, they work their magic maintaining and evolving the ecosystem. It's always great to see a well care for project site that you established.