Beet Production

Beet Production 01

Beet Production 02

Beet Production 03

Beet Production 04

Beet Production 05

Beet Production 06

Beet Production 07

Beet Production 08

Beet Production 09

Beet Production 10

Beet Wine

Beet Production

I've become a very big fan of growing beats. They're so versatile, to me they're some of the real soldiers of all the garden crops. They're easy to establish and transplant, and very hard to kill, even when half eating alive underground by hungry critters. For a time they were a stable of my diet. I'd cook the greens and roots in soups daily fresh soups, and because the boiled beet water was so sweet, I could drain it off and ferment it to make beet wine. Some day I'll get back into full production.