Cardboard And Paracord Sandal Shoe Compostable Recyclable Reusable Design for Basic Protection

Cardboard And Paracord Sandal Shoe Compostable Recyclable Reusable Design for Basic Protection

Cardboard And Paracord Sandal Shoe Compostable Recyclable Reusable Design for Basic Protection

This cardboard and paracord sandal shoe experiment was successful in that it saved my bare feet from nails, glass, splinters, and biting/stinging insects. However not long after I made the prototype I encountered a small scorpion and realized I'd better not rely on them much. I have tactical boots that are great in the cool months, but are almost impossible to where for long periods in the heat of the summer. Everything is a trade off, there will still be times where the cardboard shoe will make sense. They wear out fast if worn a lot but for small tasks, mainly avoiding being burnt by the sand in the desert summer, having sandals like this is great. They my not last forever, but the design concept will. For me it was about learning the most efficient way to place the holes and run the paracord so that there would be adequate support and positioning of the sandal. It was important that the front would curl upwards to avoid shoveling up a lot of sand. It also needed to be secure when lifted and not slide away in any direction. The pattern of the paracord wrapping is the important part. This pattern can be used not only for cardboard but for other more rugged materials as well. I actually adapted it from what I had done previously which was make similar paracord sandals out of the soles of old shoes that had been long worn out. So really, if you can punch a few holes through any thing resemble the sole of a shoe, and you have paracord on you, you can makeshift a sandal any time any where.