Compartment Syndrome Acute Injury Dragging And Crawling Back To Base Sand Prints 01

Compartment Syndrome Acute Injury Dragging And Crawling Back To Base Sand Prints 01

Compartment Syndrome Acute Injury Dragging And Crawling Back To Base Sand Prints 02

Compartment Syndrome Acute Injury Dragging And Crawling Back To Base Sand Prints 02

Crawling Back to Base Camp After Collapsing From Acute Exertional Compartment Syndrome In Both Legs

Before I even know what exertional compartment syndrome was, it had struck me down and I was forced to the ground, barely able to crawl back to base camp.

After the mid-summer rain storm, I had to hustle to rescue and store as much rain water as I could before it evaporated, in the process I apparently blew out major blood vessels in both legs which caused them to fill up with blood from profuse internal bleeding. This then caused a whole list of debilitating side effects beyond the issues in my legs. I couldn't walk or stand for two months, I could barely move my legs at all, they were cramped into a semi-flexed position, and I could barely move my upper body, and couldn't move any part of my body with out agonizing pain. There wasn't much improvement for the first month, but after a resupply of super foods, my recovery accelerated and by the end of the second month I was starting to slowly get back on my feet again. After 3 months I was luckily back to 100%.

These pictures show the dragging pattern marks I made in the sand as I abruptly lost most of the use of both legs. Luckily I was able to function at least to that level otherwise the rising sun would have definitely put me in a lethal situation.