Desert Ants Eating Fish

Desert Ants Eating Fish

Desert Ants Eating Larva

Desert Ants Eating Larva

Desert Ants Eating Pumpkin Seed

Desert Ants Eating Pumpkin Seed

Desert Ants Foraging and Hunting Prey

I've seen these ants devour an entire worm bin full of worms, I've seen them carry off seeds many times their size. Watching them move the sand in perfect geometrical patterns is a feat of engineering that's amazing to observe. I always try to avoid damaging their habitat, not only to prevent them from strategically attacking me, but out of respect. I feel like this is their land, not mine, and I have to courteous and work around them if I want to stay on their good side. I've invaded my sleeping area in years past, it was a living nightmare. Luckily I was able to adapt to the situation in a number of creative ways, but I got bit and stung countless times. Eventually they disappeared overnight after a fresh rain event, but they were in there for weeks if not longer foraging all day and night for something that must have died in the walls. I'm glad to say I've found a balance, though it's always humbling to know I can never underestimate or turn my back on them.