Desert Hauler Sled Force Multiplier w Rope And Scrap Plywood to Drag Heavy Loads w Minimal Effort

Desert Hauler Sled Force Multiplier w Rope And Scrap Plywood to Drag Heavy Loads w Minimal Effort

Desert Hauler Sled Force Multiplier w Rope And Scrap Plywood to Drag Heavy Loads w Minimal Effort

This was a simple design I put together as I was cleaning up the debris from the storm thrashed devastated house that was previously on my land. I sorted out all the waste and ended up with a lot of useful scrap materials, but also bags and bags of unusable trash. I tended to want to maximize the space of the bags so they'd often get too heavy. It made sense to design a simple sled with some of decaying plywood and a bit of rope. I just drilled two half inch holes at one end of piece of ply wood, cut a length of rope, ran the ends through the holes and tied them below. Thus I'm able to load materials on the wood, and drag them like a snow sled, but rather a sand sled, where ever I need to with minimal effort and no strain on the back.