Desert Beetle Drinking Spilled Water

Taking Pause to Watch a Desert Beetle Drinking Spilled Water

I've been grateful and suprised to see so many different types of crawling creatures. The most obiquitous of all are a number of varities of beetles. This type which I haven't formally identified yet has a very distinct faded denim blue jeans kind of coloration. It's almost like a patina of greyish blue. It stands out among the others. I always try to be mindful of my footing and allow them plenty of time and room to pass before I go stomping around trying to get projects done. It's a nice meditation to stop as if at a traffic light to allow them to go by. It's an even better treat to see them happen opon tiny puddles of spilled water. When that happen's it never ceases to attract a party of insects that vary depending on the season.