Coating Raisins with Ginger Powder Over a Sifting Screen Photo

Coating Raisins with Ginger Powder Over a Sifting Screen

I love to make-shift tools by upcycling used materials, or to create hybrid devices and implements like this filtering/sifting tool. Now that I have made sure to always keep an abundant supply of quarter inch hardware cloth on site, I find many uses for it. It took only a few lengths of electric fencing wire, a couple of old splintering boards, and a small rectangle of hardware cloth to make a well functioning filtering/sifting tool. With minimal maintenance, the galvanized mesh resists corrosion and is easy to clean.

The most fun I've had with it so far is in the application of ginger and cinnamon powder to clumps of raisins. It's a great way to remove and preserve excess powder, roll the raisins around so they break apart and get evenly coated, and then be able to shake them into a mylar bag inside a 5-gallon bucket for long term storage as a stand alone snack food, or for mixing into my seed, nut, dried fruit trail mixes.