Filtering Out Green Algae Growing in Water Jug

Filtering Out Green Algae Growing in Water Jug

I've learned to live with some green algae growth in my glass water jugs. I filter it out and compost it. It doesn't bother me, it's never upset my stomach, I know the fish are thriving on it and living in balance with it, and I'm sufficiently convinced from my studies that it's not harmful and in fact very useful. I do believe that in partnership with green algae and other fast-growing aquatic plants, we'll be able to live in sustainable abundance. While it's not currently my top priority to develop my expertise in this area, I'm looking forward to learning more soon. There's no better cure for the green thumb blues that seeing green algae grow almost anywhere in water under the right conditions.

What a miracle it is to live on a planet so filled with visible and invisible life. I hope we can learn to live in balance and not excessively sanitize our artificially engineered environments, thus betraying the very natural eco-system from which all of our ancestors came and since time immemorial thrived.

May green algae be a remind of the resilience of life, even in the simplest forms, constantly reminding us that our true home is in nature, living by nature's laws.