01 Hack Sawing Bamboo Node

01 Hack Sawing Bamboo Node

02 Drilling One Inch Hole In Bamboo Pole

02 Drilling One Inch Hole In Bamboo Pole

03 Fitting One Inch Bamboo Pole

03 Fitting One Inch Bamboo Pole

04 Bamboo Pole Shade Umbrella Top Cross Beams

04 Bamboo Pole Shade Umbrella Top Cross Beams

05 Drilling End Of Bamboo Pole

05 Drilling End Of Bamboo Pole

06 Drilling Hole To Tread Wire On Bamboo Shade Umbrella

06 Drilling Hole To Tread Wire On Bamboo Shade Umbrella

07 Electric Fence Wire Spool

07 Electric Fence Wire Spool

08 Cutting Electrical Fence Wire

08 Cutting Electrical Fence Wire

09 Threading Wire Through Bamboo Pole For Web Effect

09 Threading Wire Through Bamboo Pole For Web Effect

10 Threading Wire Through Bamboo Pole For Web Effect 01

10 Threading Wire Through Bamboo Pole For Web Effect 01

11 Wire Web Frame To Support Shade Umbrella Canopy

11 Wire Web Frame To Support Shade Umbrella Canopy

12 Wire Web Frame To Support Shade Umbrella Canopy 02

12 Wire Web Frame To Support Shade Umbrella Canopy 02

13 Bamboo Shade Umbrella Test 01

13 Bamboo Shade Umbrella Test 01

14 Bamboo Shade Umbrella On Deck Chair

14 Bamboo Shade Umbrella On Deck Chair

Desert Sun Shade Canopy Walking Stick Bamboo Wire Cloth Emergency Medical Response Leisure

The wind is so strong out here it's almost impossible to have any kind of permanent shade cloth installation that doesn't get torn to pieces within a few months. This year I decided to experiment with mitigating the shade problem by creating a monster of a sun shade umbrella. I fastened together several different bamboo poles to make a post with a "plus" pattern at the top. I then ran wire through those top poles to create a kind of web of wire. This provided a minimum amount of support to drop a canvas shade cloth over so I'd have sun shade umbrella that would work as shade providing walking stick. Having built this ahead of the summer, it will be put to the test in a couple of months when I'll be relying on it every day do many chores when the sun is out. I've been hiding from the sun too much and it takes a toll on morale to have your of mobility limited so much. I certainly won't be doing any extraneous activities in the sun with this bamboo sun shade walking stick, but when I need to get things done in the sun, or if there are medical emergencies to attend to, I'm hoping this will be the basis for success.