Televised Segment Documenting Rare Garlic Cultivation Party

Televised Segment Documenting Rare Garlic Cultivation Party

Documentary Program Featuring Our Rare Garlic Cultivation Party

At one of my project sites we did a lot of gatherings and meet ups to teach permaculture, invite other teachers, and doing all kinds of hands-on workshops and trainings. Here I had ordered a sample pack collection of rare garlic varieties from a garlic grower up north. It was an amazing array of different types of garlic, many of which I'd never heard of or seen. There just so happened to be a documentary production in the works at the same time which was dedicated to exploring the subculture of garlic enthusiasts. It turns out one of the other folks featured on the program was Bill Pullman, for someone like me who lives for sci-fi, it was an honored to have been in productions with both Joan Rivers and Bill Pullman. We didn't meet for this, as we were in different segments, but I guess as the saying goes, it's a small world.

We organized a work-party to prep the different types of garlic for green house nursery. In the background of this photo you use glasses of water in front of each bag of garlic with bulbs soaking that will later be placed in small cups with soil for later transport to the green house nursery. This method proved out well as most if not all of the bulbs got a good start there before being planted out in the food forest swale berms.