Dog Proof Cardboard Chicken Wire Pots 01

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Dog Proof Cardboard Chicken Wire Pots 10

I designed this system having seen a very simple concept at work in a front yard permaculture garden. It was simply a chicken wire perimeter framing in a layered raised bed. Every couple of feet there were wooden stick posts that were attached to the chicken wire anchoring it in the ground and holding it in place. Years later, while designing backyard gardens that would be shared by very curious and energetic dog, I remembered this technique and adapted it for the purpose of inhibiting the dog from jumping on or trampling the gardens. It wouldn't have been impossible for him to tear these up if he were motivated by noticing a critter on or in one, but they did just fine.

The process was to cut approximately 6 feet sections out of 3 or 4 foot tall chicken wire. Twist the ends together to make a circle. Then in order to get an outer edge ring of course-grain mulch to retain moisture, and prevent fine grain compost from spilling out, I used sheets of cardboard to make an inner circle so that I could fill the core with compost, but have several inches between the cardboard the chicken wire to stuff the mulch in. Once the compost core was filled and the mulch outer ring was stuffed, I pulled the cardboard out and got the effect I wanted. They worked really well, though could have used more of an ornate dressing on the outside, burlap is my preferred aesthetic wrapper. however part of the hope was that eventually crops like mint would grow out of the sides and create a living outer wall.