Edged Self Defense Combative Arts Double Knife Work Out Training At Night With Triangle Foot Work

Edged Self Defense Combative Arts Double Knife Work Out Training At Night With Triangle Foot Work

Edged Self Defense Combative Arts Double Knife Work Out Training At Night With Triangle Foot Work

I was trained in a number of double knife combative techniques that build from a common training platform of small and large circular motions. This helps to diffuse an opponent's ability to predict your movements and also uses the principles of economy of motion to ensure more fluid momentum.

Based on a triangle footwork pattern, there are drills that involve lunging to the left and right in combination with knife slash and thrust strokes.

There is also a pattern of striking the forearm down on the opposite leg behind the rising knee. This trains the forearm as a striking and blocking tool, it trains the knee to strike as a weapon and it's a great workout when done as a warm up standing in place or marching.