Emergency Evacuation Drill Close Shop Load Out Displace to Wilderness Camp

01 Emergency Evacuation Drill White Board Threat Map and Checklist

02 Emergency Evacuation Drill Filling To Go Containers with Soap

03 Emergency Evacuation Drill White Board Threat Probability Matrix 01

04 Emergency Evacuation Drill White Board Threat Probability Matrix 02

05 Emergency Evacuation Drill Working in New Combat Boots

06 Emergency Evacuation Drill Moving Perishables into the Compost Bin

07 Emergency Evacuation Drill Gathering Water from Storage Shelf

08 Emergency Evacuation Drill Harvesting Greens for Final Juicing 01

09 Emergency Evacuation Drill Harvesting Greens for Final Juicing 02

10 Emergency Evacuation Drill Harvesting Greens for Final Juicing 03

11 Emergency Evacuation Drill Clipping Wallet Keys Phone to Belt with Carabiners and Cordage

11 Emergency Evacuation Drill Inventory and Repacking of Bug Out Bag 01

12 Emergency Evacuation Drill Inventory and Repacking of Bug Out Bag 02

13 Emergency Evacuation Drill Inventory and Repacking of Bug Out Bag 03

14 Emergency Evacuation Drill Inventory and Repacking of Bug Out Bag 04

15 Emergency Evacuation Drill Inventory and Repacking of Bug Out Bag 05

16 Emergency Evacuation Drill Gathering Clothes

17 Emergency Evacuation Drill Loading Water in Car Trunk

18 Emergency Evacuation Drill Loading Crate with Preps in Car Trunk

19 Emergency Evacuation Drill Folding Tarp

20 Emergency Evacuation Drill Hiking Trail with Bug Out Bag 01

21 Emergency Evacuation Drill Hiking Trail with Bug Out Bag 02

22 Emergency Evacuation Drill Hiking Trail with Backpacker Guitar 01

23 Emergency Evacuation Drill Hiking Trail with Backpacker Guitar 02

Emergency Evacuation Drill Close Shop Load Out Displace to Wilderness Camp

We started this evacuation drill by referencing a staged threat probability matrix on a white board on which we determined a power grid disabling solar storm would be most likely.

We proceeded to go through our preparedness binder which had an evacuation checklist that we worked through.

Many tasks were done to properly and securely shut down the facility including things like double checking locks, doing a final compost deposit, processing the last of the perishable foods, etc.

We staged our bug out bags (72 hour emergency kit backpacks) out on a large blanket to help make sure we left nothing behind. Bug out bag building has become quite a past time. As with anything, the more you use it, test it, force yourself to experiment with it for survival, the more effective they are. I've made quite a bit of use out of adapting bug out bags for a variety of conditions be it camping, survival experiments, travel, or even just to have supplies at the ready when you're out and about in the normal course of life. You'd be surprised how often a sensible collection of supplies comes into use when away from the home.

Once the car was packed we proceeded along a pre-planned route to a remote wilderness unofficial camp site and had a picnic to celebrate our successful evacuation drill mission.