Above Ground Pond Green Onions Growing In Perimeter Fence Planter 01

Above Ground Pond Green Onions Growing In Perimeter Fence Planter 01

Above Ground Pond Green Onions Growing In Perimeter Fence Planter

Above Ground Pond Green Onions Growing In Perimeter Fence Planter

Epic Green Onions Growing Around Above Ground Pond

Around the 16 foot diameter, above ground aquaculture pond, added two additional features including a set of bamboo poles for trellises for vining and climbing plants, and a lower outer ring of container planter area that was held to the side of the pool with a roll of plastic chicken wire. I was able to secure the roll of chicken wire periodically around the pool by attaching it to the frame posts of the pool where the bamboo posts were also attached. This create a system of pocket-like planters that I filled with soil and mulch to hold the soil in place and keep it from falling out of the holes in the chicken wire. I planted various crops though most of them got devoured by rodents, however the green onions survived the attacks and grew to be the most vigorous green onions I've ever grown. The fact that the pool at some slow leaks meant that the desired effect of growing plants into the soil that was collecting the leaked pond water worked as planned. The fertility of that leaking water gave these green onions a mega dose of constantly supplied nutrients.