01 First Greens And Herbs Harvest Of The Year With Stainless Steel Folding Scissors

01 First Greens And Herbs Harvest Of The Year With Stainless Steel Folding Scissors

02 Collecting Harvested Greens And Herbs In Stainless Steel Tray

02 Collecting Harvested Greens And Herbs In Stainless Steel Tray

03 Fresh Greens And Herbs Stirred Into Salt Brine Fermentation Jar

03 Fresh Greens And Herbs Stirred Into Salt Brine Fermentation Jar

First Greens And Herbs Harvest Of The Year From The Bonsai Food Forest Garden Dome

This was the first harvest of 2024 from the Bonsai Food Forest Dome out here in the desert. It was significant because I suffered a life threatening injury the previous summer and everything in the garden died. Luckily I recovered and waited patiently to start new crops again in early February this year. Mainly what came up here in these galvanized cans was radish greens, cilantro, green onions, leeks, and garlic. More crops are being rotated through so more harvests will happen soon. For now I'm happy to be fully healed and able to start over.

Without refrigeration or cooking, I simply place the fresh harvest directly into a salt brine fermentation jar. This gives me a nutrient rich, long shelf life fermented soup and salad all in one.