Flax Growing Below Amaranth In Bonsai Food Forest Garden 01

Flax Growing Below Amaranth In Bonsai Food Forest Garden 01

Flax Growing Below Amaranth In Bonsai Food Forest Garden 02

Flax Growing Below Amaranth In Bonsai Food Forest Garden 02

Flax Seed Plants As Low Growing Ground Cover Living Mulch For Shade And Wind Break In Food Forest

I've grown flax at most of my gardens over many years as part of a diverse low growing herbaceous ground cover layer. They grow straight up and therefore can be planted between and among many other crops. They provide functions of a green living mulch, they create shade for new seedlings, they break the wind, and they're edible as a micro green, not to mention the seed yield.

They're doing very well in my bonsai food forest garden dome in the desert now that I've been keeping them protected with a burlap shade cloth and windbreak. After a dense planting they've proven to be very healthy and vigorous even in extreme conditions and not the most ideal soil. I'm looking forward to harvesting them as micro-greens and letting them ultimately go to seed so I can replant them ongoing.