Gambosia Water Lettuce Duck Weed Azolla Water Garden Aquaculture Ecosystem Starter Kit Bucket

Gambosia Water Lettuce Duck Weed Azolla Water Garden Aquaculture Ecosystem Starter Kit Bucket

Few things are as exciting in life as going to the water garden supply store and picking up a 5 gallon bucket's worth of aquatic life to kick start a new pond ecosystem. Here is a bucket full of gambosia fish, water lettuce, duck weed, and azolla. At least, that's what I paid for. However there's so much more than meets the eye. I always wish I had the budget to buy a bit of everything but I'm often just getting the bare minimum to be frugal. The great thing is, the water that they bag the fish and plants in is filled with all kinds of aquatic biology. So you're always getting way more than what you pay for. Someday I'll become something closer to an expert in aquatic biology however for now I'm happy to say that as long as the fish and plants are happy, I'm happy. There are so many considerations from ph, to the food web, to the water quality, oxygenation, etc. If I can get by without having the feed the fish for them to flourish, and if the plants are doing well, like I said, I'm happy. I'm confident to find the right balance of life from a small fish bowl, to a larger pond ecosystem. My main lesson has been to watch out for too much organic material decaying at one time as the decomposition process consumes oxygen in the water and can release a lot of potent chemistry that if out of proportion to the system, can be problematic.