01 Jar Lid And Soup Can To Keep Rodents Out Of Grain Grinder

01 Jar Lid And Soup Can To Keep Rodents Out Of Grain Grinder

02 Duct Tape Wrapped On Grain Grinder Crank To Prevent Back Flow

02 Duct Tape Wrapped On Grain Grinder Crank To Prevent Back Flow

03 Wire Wrapped On Grain Grinder Handle To Prevent Play

03 Wire Wrapped On Grain Grinder Handle To Prevent Play

04 Bowl Attached To Grain Grinder With Bike Tube To Prevent Grounds From Flying

04 Bowl Attached To Grain Grinder With Bike Tube To Prevent Grounds From Flying

Grain Grinder Modification Hacks To Optimize Outdoor Kitchen Use And Prevent Loss Of Flying Grounds

This grain grinder is one of my most precious possessions, it really is critical to my surival as I've used to grind the majority of my staple foods. I've had to do some small hacks and modifications to optimize my use of it in an outdoor kitchen.

I use a jar lid and a soup can to cover the top of the grinder and keep rodents out. I've wrapped some duct tape at the connection point of the crank to prevent food particles from falling out of the back. I've wrapped a piece of wire around the top of the wood handle to keep it more snug and prevent the base of it from pinching my hand during use. I've also used a length of bicycle inner tube to secure a metal bowl over the top of the grinding action to prevent food particles from flying beyond the dimensions of my receptical container.