Grinding Brown Rice With A Grain Grinder For Wine Yeast Fermentation

Grinding Brown Rice With A Grain Grinder For Wine Yeast Fermentation

Ground Raw Organic Brown Rice Wine Yeast Fermentation Jar Spinning And Stirring

Ground Raw Organic Brown Rice Wine Yeast Fermentation Jar Spinning And Stirring

Grinding Brown Rice With A Grain Grinder For The Wine Yeast Fermentation Jar

As I had guessed, this second batch of raw organic short grain brown rice yeast wine fermentation experiment is already yielding better results. I chose not to grind the rice grains into a meal for the first batch. I wanted to see how well the yeast would break down the whole rice grains. They were able to get at some of the sugars, and the spent whole rice was chewy and edible as a dish after draining the wine, however the wine had very low alcohol content. This time I put the rice through the grain grinder and got a powdery meal product out of them which the yeast have been able to rapidly devour. Also the temperatures have shifted dramatically over the past few days so between the fine grain meal and the warmer temperatures, the fermentation process is really getting furious.

Here I show the method I've developed to stir and shake lose the trapped fermentation gas by spinning the fermentation jar. I leave the lid just barely loose enough not to trap the gas, but tight enough to keep insects out. It's working well so far. I just have to keep an eye on them and spin them once or twice a day. I'm going to let this batch ferment for much longer as I'm hopefully with enough time the yeast will work its way every possible sugar molecule in the meal and I'll end up a more potent drink.

I've already experimented with adding some stevia drops for a bit of sweetness, it makes for an amazing rice pudding type flavor to the drink. I'm also looking forward to experiencing the texture of the spent rice meal as I've had success with the previous batch of transferring it from the yeast ferment to a salt brine ferment. That is, after the yeast fermentation consumes the sugars and produces the alcoholic beverage, the remaining rice meal can then be transferred to salt brine jar and eaten as a side dish for meals.