Healed Passion Vine Wrapped in Burlap Bandage

Healed Passion Vine Wrapped in Burlap Bandage 2

Healed Passion Vine Wrapped in Burlap Bandage

I was so proud of how this passion fruit vine took over the entire fence. It was so productive and fruitful, so resilient and well adapted, I wished all my plantings would do so well. It crushed my soul the day I found out that during some heavy tree trimming I'd accidentally bent and almost snapped one of the main stems coming from the root system. I was afraid the whole plant might die. I quickly improvised a bandage out of burlap, wrapped it gently, tucked it away safely, then after a couple of weeks or so, took off the bandage and it healed back even stronger. It was a powerful lesson, to never give up hope.