01 Pouring Filtered Water Into Metal Pot

01 Pouring Filtered Water Into Metal Pot

02 Stirring Natural Soap Into Water In Metal Pot

02 Stirring Natural Soap Into Water In Metal Pot

03 Placing A Fan Above Water In A Metal Pot For 30 Minutes To Cool Water

03 Placing A Fan Above Water In A Metal Pot For 30 Minutes To Cool Water

04 Hand Washing Bandana And Neckband With Soap In Metal Pot

04 Hand Washing Bandana And Neckband With Soap In Metal Pot

05 Making Folded Square From Cool Water Dampened Head Dress

05 Making Folded Square From Cool Water Dampened Head Dress

06 Making Folded Square From Cool Water Dampened Head Dress 01

06 Making Folded Square From Cool Water Dampened Head Dress 01

07 Placing Folded Fabric Square Cool Water Dampened Head Dress 01

07 Placing Folded Fabric Square Cool Water Dampened Head Dress 01

08 Placing Folded Fabric Square Cool Water Dampened Head Dress 02

08 Placing Folded Fabric Square Cool Water Dampened Head Dress 02

10 Placing Cool Water Dampened Bandana

10 Placing Cool Water Dampened Bandana

11 Tying Cool Water Dampened Bandana

11 Tying Cool Water Dampened Bandana

12 Placing Cool Water Dampened Neckband 01

12 Placing Cool Water Dampened Neckband 01

13 Placing Cool Water Dampened Neckband 02

13 Placing Cool Water Dampened Neckband 02

Heat Stroke And Heat Exhaustion Hack To Cool The Blood With Water Metal Bowl Fan And Fabric Wraps

This low tech solar powered fan driven air-water-metal blood cooling system has been an evolving design over several years. I've been studying minimalistic ways to create micro scale air conditioning and cooling systems for remote austere off grid survival. This current system is essentially the same concept as what I had created last year though it's several times bigger and more higher powered.

So far it's proven to be at least equally effective as the smaller prototype so it hasn't lost any features. What it intrinsically enhances is the water storage capacity, the capacity to cycle through more and larger linens to be dampened in the cool water and applied to high surface blood flow areas on the body to combat heat illness, and it may also have a more noticeable cooling affect on the ambient room temperature by fanning cool air more powerfully. This final enhancement will require further testing into the hotter months to verify that the upward fanned airflow is in fact being cooled along with the already confirmed to be much cooler water.

This system exemplifies the energy conservation concept of heat the person not the room, for me to survive the desert heat, that concept becomes cool the blood not the person, and cool the blood not the room. By wrapping a cool water dampened head dress, bandana, and neckband I can keep my core body temperature below heat stroke range, mitigate chronic heat exhaustion, reduce the extreme discomfort of 120F+ mid summer temperatures, and dramatically reduce the cognitive malfunction of chronic summer heat illness.

The smaller unit was essential to my survival physically and psychologically last summer, I'm hoping this larger unit will be force multiplier and allow me to more liberally cycle through the cool wraps and add more fabric to more areas of the body.

This scaled up system was made possible due to a significant increase in solar panel wattage that I was able to acquire by a gifted funding grant, as well as by the fact that I was able to capture and store enough rain water to feel confident in being less reserved in the amount of water I use this summer for medical cooling purposes.