Herb Spiral 01

Herb Spiral 02

Herb Spiral 03

Herb Spiral 04

Herb Spiral 05

Herb Spiral 06

Herb Spiral 07

Herb Spiral 08

Herb Spiral 09

Herb Spiral 10

Herb Spiral 10

Herb Spiral 01

Herb spirals are a charming and very useful feature for almost any garden. Not only are they very ornate and a great conversation piece, their appeal is actually based on much engineering wisdom. Some of the utilitarian functions of an herb spiral include: they save space by taking what would other wise be a long flat strip of ground, and by coiling up in a spiral, move vertical space is used and the thus the growing potential of a small area is increased; they create an opportunity for a gradient of micro-climates in which plants that prefer drier soil can be placed higher up, and plants which demand more moisture can be planted lower to guarantee this; they can be built with very elaborate masonry, or they can be built with just small boulders; they incorporate a pond at the base to extend the ecological edge; they can be reached from all sides; they can accommodate most plantings for an average kitchen garden with lots of culinary herbs and "cut and come again" greens. Those are just a few of the benefits of herb spirals. I think most of all they are almost a symbol of the permaculture design movement, when and where ever you see one, chances are permaculturists are not far away.