Horse Shoe Hugelkultur Mound in Backyard Food Forest Garden

Horse Shoe Hugelkultur Mound in Backyard Food Forest Garden 01

Horse Shoe Hugelkultur Mound in Backyard Food Forest Garden 01

Horse Shoe Hugelkultur Mound in Backyard Food Forest Garden 02

Horse Shoe Hugelkultur Mound in Backyard Food Forest Garden 02

Horse Shoe Hugelkultur Mound in Backyard Food Forest Garden 03

Horse Shoe Hugelkultur Mound in Backyard Food Forest Garden 03

Horse Shoe Hugelkultur Mound in Backyard Food Forest Garden

This design concept was based on the keyhole garden where you're able to walk on a path to a center point to reach a circular garden. This wood core berm, or hugelkultur mound ended up more like a horse shoe. Rather than being able to access the whole garden from one center point, since plants can grow on all parts of it, it can be accessed from the outside as well. It's design maintains it's structural integrity so there are no walls or barriers supporting it that can't be planted.

I believe the logs that are buried in the middle of the berm were made of decaying abandoned fire wood which is a great material for this process. With fresh cut woody materials, it takes much longer for it to work like a sponge for water and nutrient, but already rotting wood works immediately.