Joan Rivers Reality Tv Show Permaculture Preparedness Home Design Install

Joan Rivers Reality Tv Show Permaculture Preparedness Home Design Install 01

01 Building Chicken Run With Lumber And Chicken Wire

01 Building Chicken Run With Lumber And Chicken Wire

02 Building Chicken Run With Lumber And Chicken Wire 02

02 Building Chicken Run With Lumber And Chicken Wire 02

03 Building Chicken Run With Lumber And Chicken Wire With Joan Rivers 02

03 Building Chicken Run With Lumber And Chicken Wire With Joan Rivers 02

04 Building Chicken Run With Lumber And Chicken Wire With Joan Rivers 01

04 Building Chicken Run With Lumber And Chicken Wire With Joan Rivers 01

05 Chicken Transport Cage With Bamboo Fence Shade

05 Chicken Transport Cage With Bamboo Fence Shade

06 Joan Rivers Chasing Chicken In Backyard

06 Joan Rivers Chasing Chicken In Backyard

07 Joan Rivers Picking Up And Moving Chicken In Backyard 01

07 Joan Rivers Picking Up And Moving Chicken In Backyard 01

08 Joan Rivers Picking Up And Moving Chicken In Backyard 02

08 Joan Rivers Picking Up And Moving Chicken In Backyard 02

09 Joan Rivers Picking Up And Moving Chicken In Backyard 03

09 Joan Rivers Picking Up And Moving Chicken In Backyard 03

10 Joan Rivers Picking Up And Moving Chicken In Backyard 04

10 Joan Rivers Picking Up And Moving Chicken In Backyard 04

11 Joan Rivers Picking Up And Moving Chicken In Backyard 05

11 Joan Rivers Picking Up And Moving Chicken In Backyard 05

Joan Rivers Reality Tv Show Permaculture Preparedness Home Design Install

At the peak of my professional permaculture and preparedness consulting career, my partner and I had been doing a lot of business development, community outreach, and business partnership building. One of our product distributors had our business card up on their bulletin board at their survival and emergency preparedness retail store. One day we got a call from the late Joan Rivers' reality tv show production company, they were working doing an episode about preparedness after they had been shaken up by a small earthquake. On their visit to the survival supply store which was also featured prominently on the show, they asked if they store staff knew of anyone who did installations, they gave them our card and they offered to hire us to do a home consultation, design and build. We gladly accepted and got to work planning for the gig. The concept was to essentially "mock up" a backyard permaculture design and install whereby we did a mock walk though and client interview, then per the story line, appeared to come back on a later date to install. They had a crew with a big stake truck come and pick up small ponds, a chicken tractor, two chickens, an herb spiral, bulk food preps, and other items. We staged everything then had fun doing the indoor consultation for having emergency preps and developing checklists and plans for protocols and procedures. We even cooked a batch of our signature sprout soup and gave samples of home made trail mix. Then outside we placed the staged gardens and ponds, Joan helped us build a chicken run, and we went along with the story line drama of a family dispute over the whole thing.

It was quite an experience, I learned a lot and gained a lot of respect for the expertise and professionalism of the company and crews. We were lucky to be written in to be on the protagonists of Joan's idea to transform the place, otherwise we'd likely be roasted by her and the writers. It was one of the most fulfilling days of my career, we got to do a respectable demonstration, Joan was totally on board and made very powerful and moving statements of support on camera. At one point she even said we looked good, which coming from her meant a lot. In the final cut, several hours on set got cut down to just a few minutes, maybe someday the rest of the footage will surface somewhere. It was an honor to meet and work with Joan and everyone else on the set.