01 Night Resupply Angled Light Signal Beacon At A Distance

01 Night Resupply Angled Light Signal Beacon At A Distance

02 Night Resupply Angled Light Signal Beacon At A Close Direct Angle

02 Night Resupply Angled Light Signal Beacon At A Close Direct Angle

03 Night Resupply Angled Light Signal Beacon At A Distance Close Side Angle

03 Night Resupply Angled Light Signal Beacon At A Distance Close Side Angle

Night Resupply Run With Cart

Night Resupply Run With Cart

Low Tech Angled Signal Light Beacon System For Optimized Desert Night Resupply Mission Security

I don't like being paranoid, but lone wolfing an off-road, off-grid wasteland desert survival camp can be scary. You really never know what could happen so to be defensive at all times is a must. If and when I'm ever obliged to set foot beyond my property line, which is almost never, I have a lot of considerations. The issue that the technique shown here addresses is that of geo-locating resupply runs at night.

In order to transport staged resupply items from a drop off point near the main road, I have to make trips on foot with a four wheel hand cart. When this process happens at night, there's no visibility back and forth between the camp and road so I have to use lights at both points. However, the lights that indicate the position of the staging area would draw attention from others who could potentially steal the staged items while I'm far from them at or approaching their final destination.

The small innovation I created to solve this problem was to use the containers used to collect the items at the staging area to block certain angles of small book reading lights. Whereas without creating this light blocking affect, the staging area could be seen from the road and all directions. By setting up these light blocking containers, there was only a small angle of light visible only to me as I walked back and forth with the cart.

Using the clock bearing orientation system, with 12pm being the staging area and 6pm being the camp, the light and blockers made it so the angle of light only shined between 5 and 7pm approximately.