Mulch Transportation Logistics

Mulch Delivery in Driveway

Mulch in Car Trunk

Mulch in Pickup Truck 02

Tarp Lined Car Backseat Mulch Delivery

Mulch Transportation Logistics

Mulch logistics are a big part of permaculture landscaping. Sometimes you're moving a mountain of mulch across a large property, sometimes is spot treating small areas. I've transported it by a variety of means from professional trucker delivery, to a small and large pickup trucks, to vans, to even the trunk and back seat of sedan cars. With tarps or trash cans it's possible to transport it within vehicle interiors without making a mess, though it requires a lot of care. It's much more preferable to go to a landscaping materials yard and have a giant tractor with bucket loader fill the back of a truck. Then you can use a pitch fork and pick it off, and if you're lucky, you can backup to exactly where the mulch is needed. It's hard to get to much as, within reason, the more you apply the better it performs and longer it lasts before you have to cover the same area again. Though from time to time you end up with too much and have to be creative about how to make it disappear.