Outdoor Kitchen Gray Water Bucket Collection System

Outdoor Kitchen Gray Water Bucket Collection System

It's a great feeling to collect kitchen gray water. While there are very high tech advanced systems out there which are great if you can afford them, there's no reason for lack of funds not to use a simple 5 gallon bucket. The main concern and consideration is making sure not to let it overflow. If you use it a lot and you're the only one, it's easier to have an intuitive sense of when to check it. There creative ways to build a sort of gauge that will tell you where the water level is at without having to check it manually, or you can just teach people to check every time they use the sink. The last resort would be to have a system of compost or drainage below the bucket so that if it does overflow, the run-off is directed somewhere useful. These do tend to create a foul odor if left for too long so best to pour them out into a composting system that can handle anaerobic or no-oxygen aquatic biology. It's definitely not a good solution to apply directly to the garden. It should be managed like other compostable materials that require a larger mass of composting materials to absorb and break down things down at a broader scale.