01 Pouring Water Into Spinach Fermentation Jar

01 Pouring Water Into Spinach Fermentation Jar

02 Pouring A Teaspoon Of Salt Into Fermentation Jar

02 Pouring A Teaspoon Of Salt Into Fermentation Jar

03 Stirring And Mixing Salt And Water In Fermentation Jar

03 Stirring And Mixing Salt And Water In Fermentation Jar

04 Adding Organic Spinach Powder To Fermentation Jar

04 Adding Organic Spinach Powder To Fermentation Jar

05 Stirring Organic Spinach Powder In Fermentation Jar 01

05 Stirring Organic Spinach Powder In Fermentation Jar 01

06 Adding Cayenne Pepper And Turmeric Powder To Fermentation Jar

06 Adding Cayenne Pepper And Turmeric Powder To Fermentation Jar

07 All Ingredients in Fermentation Jar

07 All Ingredients in Fermentation Jar

08 Loosely Tightening Stainless Steel Silicone Seal Lid On Fermentation Jar

08 Loosely Tightening Stainless Steel Silicone Seal Lid On Fermentation Jar

Raw Green Smoothie Savory Spinach Powder Wild Fermentation Salt Brine Cayenne Pepper Turmeric Ginger

Probably the single most important factor in my recovery and rehab from a life threatening injury has been my daily consumption about about half a cup's worth of fermented spiced organic spinach powder. It's been my first time in life experimenting with fermenting powered dark leafy greens. I'll look forward to experimenting with others for comparison, however for now, this has been my saving grace. I've always been into juicing, blending, dehydrating, etc. though the concentration of phyto-nutrients in the powered form is unmatched. It's not without risks and trade-offs. We all most be advised to make dietary changes with professional consultation. For me it was a life and death leap of faith. After a debilitating injury, I couldn't stand or walk for two months, and I've been alone in the remote desert for over 3 years. My garden died and I thus had now more fresh fruit or vegetables. I was starting to suffer the early signs of scurvy and other diseases of malnutrition. This was a deadly perfect storm: life threatening injury disables me and thus kills my garden, the death of my garden results in extreme malnutrition, you get the idea. How could I possibly heal from the original injury if I'm now chronically malnourished? I was rotting away on what could have been my death bed, but luckily I was blessed to have a small team of friends a few hours away who helped coordinate a critical resupply run to me. I didn't want to be rendered helpless, but they wouldn't hear my woes of shame, they got out here as soon as they could to bring me this powdered spinach among other items. But it was and has been this addition to my diet which has been the life saving game changer of life time.