Repairing Thermal Pants With A Needle Thread Backing Plate And Used Clothing Scrap Fabric

Repairing Thermal Pants With A Needle Thread Backing Plate And Used Clothing Scrap Fabric

Repairing Thermal Pants With A Needle Thread Backing Plate And Used Clothing Scrap Fabric 02

Repairing Thermal Pants With A Needle Thread Backing Plate And Used Clothing Scrap Fabric 02

Repairing Thermal Pants With A Needle Thread Backing Plate And Used Clothing Scrap Fabric

I've been wearing three pairs of thermal pants to make it through the desert winter. They've been holding up fine until just the last few weeks where the outer layer has started to really fall apart. I should have started to repair them sooner but eventually the whole front of the right leg fell apart. There's no way I'm going to get one winter season out of them since I have the shreds of previous seasons pants as well as other scrap fabrics to use. So I finally took the time to cut some pieces of old fabric and sew them over the holes.

This demonstrates the practice of puttng a plate, or piece of cardboard, or really any kind of solid backing so that you don't accidently sew the pants back onto themselves and end up having to cut out sections of stitching that have to be redone.