Corroded And Unsanitary Growth On Standard Quart Jar Lid And Ring

Corroded And Unsanitary Growth On Standard Quart Jar Lid And Ring

Silicone Sealed Stainless Steel Quart Jar Lids

Silicone Sealed Stainless Steel Quart Jar Lids

Tightening Silicone Sealed Stainless Steel Quart Jar Lid

Tightening Silicone Sealed Stainless Steel Quart Jar Lid

Replacing Corroded Rusty Glass Canning Quart Jar Lids w Stainless Steel Lids for Ferments and Liquid

It had been really dragging on my morale to be living mostly outdoors with minimal shade and shelter and have even the smallest bit of rain start to dramatically degrade and corrode the quart jar lids that I mainly survive out of. This lids are one of the most critical components of my desert homesteading lifestyle, however they are one of the weakest points of failure. One day, I discovered that some clever innovators had designed stainless steel lids with a non-toxic and durable silicone seal. I was immediately sold and order a package of them. I wished I ordered more as I will definitely be replacing all of my jar lids with these. It's not that the normal lids are bad, it's just that they're actually designed for the very specific task of canning which requires lids that make a certain type of seal. For canning to be safe an effective they have to function a certain way. These stainless steel lids that I have now however are to be used only for storage of foods in jars, not for canning. They're great for me as I do a lot of fermentation and I also store various liquids in quart jars. So even if they're sheltered from the rain, they'll corrode from the inside from condensation of water from the contents. I'll never go back, this is my new favorite possession. They're nice also in that they're one piece so I don't end up with lid pieces getting separated and lost every time I open a jar.