01 Cotton Clothes Line Rope Burn Blister 01

01 Cotton Clothes Line Rope Burn Blister 01

02 Cotton Clothes Line Rope Burn Blister 02

02 Cotton Clothes Line Rope Burn Blister 02

03 Acetic Acid White Vinegar Rope Burn Blister Irrigation And Disinfection

03 Acetic Acid White Vinegar Rope Burn Blister Irrigation And Disinfection

04 Turmeric Powder Rope Burn Blister Scabbing First Aid Application

04 Turmeric Powder Rope Burn Blister Scabbing First Aid Application

05 Bamboo Finger Splint

05 Bamboo Finger Splint

06 Gauze Wrapped Medical Taped Bamboo Finger Splint

06 Gauze Wrapped Medical Taped Bamboo Finger Splint

07 Healing Rope Burn Blister After Two Days In Splinted Gauze Wrap

07 Healing Rope Burn Blister After Two Days In Splinted Gauze Wrap

Rope Burn Blister Wound Care With Acetic Acid White Vinegar Turmeric Powder Gauze And Bamboo Splint

I wouldn't normally think I'd need to wear gloves with handling small lengths of rope tightened with human powered tension. I can't remember ever getting blisters or rope burns before using truck rope, paracord, and many other types of rope. For some reason this cotton clothes-line that I just got surprised me and took off a big layer of skin in several places. By the time I noticed it was too late.

It's always a bad day when you get a cut, scrape, splinter, blister, etc. at a point on the body that moves such as a joint or knuckle. I decided to splint the finger before treating the wound so I got a small piece of bamboo to use for the splint. I then irrigated and disinfected the wound with acetic acid white vinegar, then coated it with turmeric powder to help keep debris and pathogens out for it's anti microbial properties.

I then wrapped the splint in place on the top of the finger with gauze and secured it medical tape. It stayed stable, dry, and free of dirt or any other disruption. Two days later I removed the splint and gauze wrap and it's scabbed over very well, it's dry and uninfected thankfully.