01 Shovel Dug Into Center Point of Compass

01 Shovel Dug Into Center Point of Compass

02 Rope With Towel Loop Around Pickaxe To Drag Circle Outline With A Rope Compass

02 Rope With Towel Loop Around Pickaxe To Drag Circle Outline With A Rope Compass

03 Rope Compass Circle Outline In Sand For Pond Digging 01

03 Rope Compass Circle Outline In Sand For Pond Digging 01

04 Rope Compass Circle Outline In Sand For Pond Digging 02

04 Rope Compass Circle Outline In Sand For Pond Digging 02

Rope Pick And Shovel Compass to Draw Outline for a Desert Rain Catchment Pond Design

I was never the best math or geometry student, I did okay but didn't really apply myself. Only later in life have I realized I wished I'd have applied myself more early on. Luckily a few years ago, a very mechanically inclined friend of mine re-introduced me to the concept of making a compass with a string or rope and a central anchor point such that if you pull the string or rope tight and walk it around in a circle, you'll be able to draw or dig a perfect circle. I can't believe that escaped me for so many years but it did. He was helping me cut a lid for a worm compost bin, and there it was. The most elegant technique. Well, I've adapted that to the larger scale now having dug 5 separate 30 foot diameter ponds. Here I'm using a shovel dug into the center point of the pond. Then I loosely tie a rope to the shovel that's length is the radius of the circle of the pond. Then I tie the other end of the rope to a towel which makes a loop to drop over a pick axe. I then drag the pick axe on the end of the rope in a circle and I have my perfect circle pond outline.