Scavenged Scrap Wood Structural In Ground Support Beam Anchor to Resist Desert Sand and Wind Storms

Scavenged Scrap Wood Structural In Ground Support Beam Anchor to Resist Desert Sand and Wind Storms

Scavenged Scrap Wood Structural In Ground Support Beam Anchor to Resist Desert Sand and Wind Storms 01 Top of Anchor With Rope

Scavenged Scrap Wood Structural In Ground Support Beam Anchor to Resist Desert Sand and Wind Storms 01 Top of Anchor With Rope

Scavenged Scrap Wood Structural In Ground Support Beam Anchor to Resist Desert Sand and Wind Storms

In order to have a shaded area that I could stand up in, I needed to take a small jungle gym dome that was only 5 feet high and design a platform so that I would have clearance to stand up in it. After a lot of drafting of ideas, I settled on a design that would rely on the horizontal support of galvanized stock tanks, and the vertical support of 2x4 wood anchors dug into the ground and buried leaving a post that could be attached to by the base of the dome. To protect the painted metal on the dome bars, I wrapped jute rope, I then used upcycled metal tape to secure the bar to the wood anchor. This method could be even more sturdy if I filled the hole that the wood anchor is in with large rocks. So far it's held up and stayed sturdy even in major sand storms. If I needed to make it sturdier I'd just dig out around the anchors and drop in large rocks and bury them. I've found that burying anchors in the sand is a very effective means to keep things in place with the ever looming threat of sandstorms. They can get going so rapidly that you don't have time to do much but seek shelter, so whatever needs to be secured, it has to be secured ahead of time by design, otherwise, when the storm passes, you've got a mess, or a disaster to deal with.