Scavenged Wasteland Desert Lumber For Food Jar Shelf Rack

Scavenged Wasteland Desert Lumber For Food Jar Shelf Rack

After going almost two years having used all the scrap lumber I could find and also all the fasteners, I'd been cannibalizing earlier wood building projects for wood pieces, screws, and nails. Luckily as of a recent resupply I have a good amount of screws, and over the winter I'd go on morning hikes throughout the desert ghost town wasteland and pry up sand buried lumber. It was daily workout and chore to go out, round out and scavenge old lumber, then load it in a cart and wheel it back to base camp. By the time the fasteners arrived, I had a decent sized stack of wood. Within a few days of having the fasteners I'd fixed, built, and rebuilt a number of homesteading and trucksteading projects. Here are some of the shelving racks I've built into the side walls of a salvaged lumber truck camper frame.

They end up having a lot of character because the lumber is so splintered and split, you never know what usable portion you'll get out of a piece. They're prone to snap apart while cutting, drilling, or screwing, so there's a patch-work of various sized pieces to get the job done. I feel better about rescuing, re-using, and upcycling this old lumber, than I would about buying new wood products. They have a certain charm, and it's comforting to know that no new trees are being cut down to serve my needs.