Self Defense Combative Striking Tools Training Against Bamboo Bad Guy With Elbow For Close Quarters

Self Defense Combative Striking Tools Training Against Bamboo Bad Guy With Elbow For Close Quarters

Self Defense Combative Striking Tools Training Against Bamboo Bad Guy With Elbow For Close Quarters

The elbow is one of the most versatile and powerful striking tools for close quarters hand-to-hand combat. While the point of the elbow has some applications, the greater potential use is in the areas of several inches in front of and behind the elbow. The amount of force that can be safely delivered from these striking surfaces is more than most other weaponizations of the hands and arms. Many hand-to-hand striking weapons involve a risk of injury that can be difficult to mitigate when using full force, these elbow area strikes are far safer, however, while they can be advantageous, it's always a best practice to keep as much distance as possible and avoid getting to close. When you have no choice, elbow strikes become essential.