Self Defense Combative Training Against Bamboo Bad Guy With Machete Chop And Drop Slash Patterns

Self Defense Combative Training Against Bamboo Bad Guy With Machete Chop And Drop Slash Patterns

Self Defense Combative Training Against Bamboo Bad Guy With Machete Chop And Drop Slash Patterns

The machete is the perfect example of the intersection of horticulture and combative arts. It is one of the most obiquitous tools in existence, it is easy to find almost anywhere in the world, it's not explicitly considered a tactical weapon, and yet it has qualities to rival most traditional swords and other edged weapons. The slashing patterns used in combative arts can be trained while doing chores in the food forest garden and when doing wilderness management. Everyone should own several and live the addage, it's better to be a warrior in a garden then a gardener in a war.