Survival Sprouting Jar with Wire Screen Mesh Top

Survival Sprouting Jar with Wire Screen Mesh Top 02

Survival Sprouting Jar with Wire Screen Mesh Top 02

Survival Sprouting Jar with Wire Screen Mesh Top

I've have been sprouting seeds for many years and have them in my life almost at all times. Even in the most remote places, even while traveling, you can maintain a horticultural lifestyle. You don't need soil, you don't even need sunlight, or any kind of light, you just need the sproutable seeds, water, and a means to contain, rinse and drain the seeds while they grow. They're vary nutritious and whether you're sprouting seeds that can be eaten raw or that have to be cooked, the sprouting process often helps to break down toxins and make nutrients more available. I recommend that you think of which of your favorite foods can be sprouted and you make an effort to integrate it into your life, you won't regret it if you keep trying and are willing to learn a new skill.

When I started sprouting seeds in jars I would buy rolls of fly screen mesh material to provide for drainage. At times I'd drill holes in lids but that never worked that well as they were difficult to clean. Later I adapted my strategy to use cheese-cloth.