Traction Mat Off Road Vehicle Recovery Tool Rack On Salvaged Wood Frame With Metal Tape and Paracord

01 Cutting Metal Tape With Tinsnips

01 Cutting Metal Tape With Tinsnips

02 Drilling Pilot Holes In Metal Tape

02 Drilling Pilot Holes In Metal Tape

03 Screwing Metal Tape Into Salvaged Wood Frame Wall

03 Screwing Metal Tape Into Salvaged Wood Frame Wall

04 Tying Paracord Support Harness For Traction Mat Rack

04 Tying Paracord Support Harness For Traction Mat Rack

05 Sewing Dental Floss To Secure Ends Of Paracord Knot

05 Sewing Dental Floss To Secure Ends Of Paracord Knot

Traction Mat Off Road Vehicle Recovery Tool Rack On Salvaged Wood Frame With Metal Tape and Paracord

To save space inside the truck salvaged wood truck camper, I decided to built an external rack to store my off-road vehicle recovery traction mats. I chose to use a combination of paracord and upcycled metal tape so that there'd be two different mechanisms of securing the mats should one or the other fail.

I started by cutting approximate lengths of metal tape. I drilled pilot holes on the ground, then screwed two lengths of metal tape on the wood wall at the base. The next step was to hang the traction mat bag with a length of paracord. This was at first to hold the weight of the bag and keep it in place so I could accurately measure and cut the metal tape and screw the top ends to the wall. Once the metal tape was secured at both ends, I could then tighten the paracord and use dental floss to sew the ends of the paracord knot for extra security.

The end result is an upcycled, double re-enforced, traction mat rack that is well secured, yet can be wiggled out as needed.