01 Compartment Syndrome Bruise

01 Compartment Syndrome Bruise

02 Apply in Turmeric Juice On Compartment Syndrome Bruise

02 Apply in Turmeric Juice On Compartment Syndrome Bruise

03 Massaging Compartment Syndrome Bruise

03 Massaging Compartment Syndrome Bruise

Turmeric Juice For Bruise Massage

As compartment syndrome inducing injury progressed, before I knew what was happening to me, I felt and saw the dark dead blood pooling on the sides and backs of my legs. My first though was to apply a turmeric juice solution and massage the bruising. I have no way to measure the medical effects of the procedure, but if nothing else it gave me a bit of a psychosomatic sense of relief. Unfortunately I would soon discover this was no ordinary bruise, it was caused by no direct blunt impact, but rather extreme internal bleeding. The turmeric was a nice effort and idea, but no match for the severity of the internal acute exertional compartment syndrome injury. It would take many more measures to mitigate the severity of the injury.