00 Turmeric Water And Powder First Aid Kit Would Dressing

00 Turmeric Water And Powder First Aid Kit Would Dressing

01 Laying Out First Aid Kit

01 Laying Out First Aid Kit

02 Identifying Wound

02 Identifying Wound

03 Drawing Turmeric Water With Eyedropper

03 Drawing Turmeric Water With Eyedropper

04 Applying Eyedropper Of Turmeric Water To Wound

04 Applying Eyedropper Of Turmeric Water To Wound

05 Applying Turmeric Powder On The Wound

05 Applying Turmeric Powder On The Wound

06 Distributing Turmeric Powder On Wound

06 Distributing Turmeric Powder On Wound

07 Rolling Out Gauze

07 Rolling Out Gauze

08 Cutting Gauze

08 Cutting Gauze

09 Wrapping Wound With Gauze

09 Wrapping Wound With Gauze

10 Applying Medical Tape To Wrapped Gauze

10 Applying Medical Tape To Wrapped Gauze

11 Cutting Medical Tape With Stainless Steel Scissors

11 Cutting Medical Tape With Stainless Steel Scissors

Turmeric Water And Powder First Aid Kit Would Dressing

I've been relying on an anti-septic strategy for wound care for several years now based on a combination of turmeric powder mixed with water, and turmeric powder on it's own. For cuts, blisters,scrapes, burns, bruises, splinters, rashes, and pretty much any other non-emergency skin issues I've had great luck so far. Typically if anything breaches the skin, the first thing I'll do is clean the wound with well filtered water and/or a bit of alcohol or soap if needed, then once any dirt and debris is cleared, I'll apply some liquid turmeric and water solution, followed by a bit of dry turmeric powder, I'll then wrap gauze and use medical tape to hold it in place. I know many people who do serious landscaping work and they just don't care to bother with treating small wounds. I on the other hand have learned the hard way enough times that almost any breach of the skin that I'm aware of will get some kind of treatment. I've let a few things go unattended and even if they don't get infected, they always take longer to heal and get agitated and even reopened after partially scabbing if I don't dress them.

I'd rather take the time to clean, disinfect, medicate, and dress a wound that have to deal with it getting more and more painful as it bumps into things, goes in and out of pockets, gets slept on wrong, etc. Therefore I have a box of gauze and medical tape, and jars of turmeric powder. I have other means of sterilization of instruments such as alcohol, vinegar, torch lighters, etc, but for small wounds, I've done fine with turmeric both as a solution and as a powder. In the summer I get a lot of rashes from the inevitable long hours spend laying in a makeshift medical tent in the heat of the day. I have to rotate a lot and maintain keen awareness of the integrity of my skin. During these times I find myself applying a lot of the turmeric solution in water to spot treat rashes. Needless to say, I have a lot of bright orange linens.