Vacant City Lot Permaculture Design Proposal 3D Graphics

Vacant City Lot Permaculture Design Proposal 3D Graphics 01

Vacant City Lot Permaculture Design Proposal 3D Graphics 01

Vacant City Lot Permaculture Design Proposal 3D Graphics 02

Vacant City Lot Permaculture Design Proposal 3D Graphics 02

Vacant City Lot Permaculture Design Proposal 3D Graphics 03

Vacant City Lot Permaculture Design Proposal 3D Graphics 03

Vacant City Lot Permaculture Design Proposal 3D Graphics

This project was by request of a good neighbor within a community where there was a large vacant strip of land along a road that she wanted help to design. There was a chance that if the design submission was accepted, the city could potentially finance an official design and build. Here are some of the 3d sketches one of the more artistically inclined members of our team produced as a gift to her and her great efforts to green the city with public urban gardens.