Salad Greens Growing In Wading Pool Container Garden With Shade Cloth And Wire Fence
Harvesting Mustard Greens From Wading Pool Container Garden
Harvesting Radish Greens From Wading Pool Container Garden
Wading Pool Container Gardens With Wire Fence and Shade Cloth
This site had a lot of wading pools that I was able to gather and put to use as container gardens. It tend not to want to use plastic for almost anything, but there was little choice and they were in abundance. Due to a lot of underground rodent activity, it wasn't safe to place them directly on the ground. The strategy we used was to drill drainage holes in the pools and place them on top of wood pallets. This prevent at least some of the issues from below. They we made rings of wire fencing to prevent some of the above ground rodents from getting it. Finally they were covered with shade cloth. It was possible to effectively water them through the shade cloth. There was a very rich designer soil mixed used that result in very good yields. There were some losses due to very persistent rodent attacks, though plenty made through the season. I was harvesting from them every day and making soups and salads.