Wood Crate Garden Bed Design

Wood Crate Garden Bed Design

Having worked on permaculture projects from urban to suburn to rural to wild, I've made use of just about every kind of scrap material you can think of. Of course pallets are ubiquitous. Some people adore them, some can't stand them. I personally think anything can be made more aesthetically pleasing with minimal effort, it's the utility that matters most. I've done quite a bit with pallets, but I always wished I had more of these wooden crates. To me, they're quite charming. I've scored them before by asking at a stone depot if they had any they could spare. Though I'd eventually like to collect them on an industrial scale. The fact that they can be moved by a skid loader is a big deal. Sometimes horticulture needs to be very mobile and portable. Or for example, for rapid deployment of soil remediation strategies after storms and disasters. The idea of being able to "operationalize" wood crate gardens that any fork lift or bob-cat operator can mobilize is very compelling.