Wood Stick Frame And Morning Glory Vine Lashed Garden Trellis Growing System

Wood Stick Frame And Morning Glory Vine Lashed Garden Trellis Growing System 02

Wood Stick Frame And Morning Glory Vine Lashed Garden Trellis Growing System 02

Wood Stick Frame And Morning Glory Vine Lashed Garden Trellis Growing System 03

Wood Stick Frame And Morning Glory Vine Lashed Garden Trellis Growing System 03

Wood Stick Frame And Morning Glory Vine Lashed Garden Trellis Growing System

This was the first project where I was mentored on using morning glory vines to lash together wood stick beams to create a trellis. Not only is it ornate to use natural wood to build a trellis, the use of morning glory vines added an interesting dimension of structural enhancement. The fresh vines were very flexible and could be easily worked into tight knots. The added benefit is that as they dry, the harden in place and add strength to the system.