Force Pre-Mod: Backwards Combatibility and Technological Retrogression TPS-0058

Date: 2023-06-10

Tags: training, force, weapons, war, modernization, fighting, sticks, firearms, budget, blade, ancestral, weapon, warrior, traditions, tools, throwing, range, prehistory, kill, hatchets, arrows, wild, wasteland, warfare, toxic, technological, retrogression, nature, movements, military, mechanics

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Machette Cutting Cat Tail in IBC Tote Chinampa Aquaculture Island Water Garden

Revised Transcript:

 This is a bit of a philosophical exploration something that I had come up with as I often do which is basically a play on words.

My one of my former green beret mentors who speaks about what's called force modernization or force mod that basically, it's the whole endeavor within the military of assessing what's working, what's not working, what's deprecated, how to optimize and modernize the soldiers kit on the battlefield.

That's always an evolving process,so it's an entire job title to be doing force dodernization.

It makes a lot of sense and it seems like it would be very rewarding and very purposeful.

What does it mean to innovate and not get lazy?

If you do have the edge, not get lazy to where it gets dull, you gotta continue to maintain it and be steps ahead of the enemy.

So I like the idea of this futurizing, this force modernization.

There are so many things that he would talk about that are just barbaric.

Backwards throwbacks, they always say, we're always fighting the last war tactically and even with some of the same gear.

What I thought was interesting, from a permaculture perspective, is the play on words that immediately came to my mind was, while they're doing everything in their power and budget to do force modernization, which is gonna be always very toxic and very high tech…

For me, in the spirit of guerrilla warfare and the spirit of organic, nontoxic, sustainable, ancestral tactics and ancestral force...

I would call it force pre-modernization. So force pre-mod that's the play on words I'm gonna go with here, just to sort of establish this as a meme for my own lexicon.

I taught a workshop even back around the turn of the century, when I was in my early twenties, was about anarcho-primitivism and the history and prehistory of violence and warfare.

One of the central themes that I developed in that workshop was the understanding the concept of technological retrogression. The technical term for the sentiment that the fourth World War will be fought with stones.

It's pretty obvious that we will want to be backwards compatible as warriors for a scenario in which we're bombed back into the Stone Age, and we used up all the fossil fuels, all of its radioactive materials, weapons grade, etc.

And now we're gonna experience technological retrogression, meaning pulling museum artillery out from behind the glass, the literally fighting with muskets and bayonets, and literally looting the replicas and the anachronistic societies for all of their weapons.

We're already seeing this now withthe chip shortage of the supply chain. So everything that was theoretical to me about the arc of war in the future is gonna be no matter how futurized and force modernized you get on that tip of the long until you use up all that high tech equipment and your budget runs out?

It already depleted and been deployed and destroyed on the battlefield.

So it's a real sharp point, then that curve starts going backwards in time, and soon it's not smart bombs, is dumb bombs.

We're already now in what some people call World War 2.5.

We're already fighting, yes, definitely fighting the last war, but we're fighting in the last century with these dumb weapons.

And the blunt brutality and barbarism nearly impossible to correctly aim, very destructive to non-combative civilian collateral damage...

We're in that reality now. So when I say force pre- modernization and backwards compatible and retrofitting, that's all happening right now in a very ugly and grotesque manner on the battlefields right now.

But to speak more broadly to this practice that I have been engaged in since before the beginning of World World War 2.5 is actually this guerrilla ancestral force pre- modernization concept.

Sharpened bamboo and getting more into a regenerative weapon system mindset that's based on fashioning implements that that don't require complex and far flung supply chains.

There's no limit to how, how deep you can go into ancestral weapons..even just the prehistory of all of the different hunting tools.

You could spend multiple lifetimes, you could spend the rest of this life trying to master the art of flint knapping and then building an atl atl, or tomahawk and whatnot.

That’d be way more constructive than playing video games or s**t posting, or armchair quarterbacking, or keyboard warrioring or whatever. So I'm definitely very much on a path of rewilding and reskilling in a direction away from just making a lot of expensive noise at the range, just firing in a straight line, at still targets.

I'm not interested in the culture of hyper focusing to the exclusion of all other types of warrior traditions and weaponry. Just the over-reliance on firearms on whatever scale that you're permitted to given your profession, and what you’re allowed to carry or own.

To me personally, because I'm not in law enforcement or in the official armed forces, it's not part of my routine and it's not subsidized, certainly for me to make a lot of expensive noise, putting tons of rounds down range, so to speak.

So to me, it's more appropriate as far as the appropriate technology of force makes sense to me to want to make a lifestyle out of training, fitness training, self-defense training, weapons training…

I was instructed on indigenous traditions of bow archery making, what materials to use from plant identification on nature hikes...this is what you would make the bow out of, this is what you would make the arrow out of...

It behooves me to always be thinking about, how do I adapt what I've learned from primitive skills nature hikes to martial arts training and tactical training with firearms and whatnot.

I should be able to Macgyver all that together, and always have a blade and a staff type weapon, meaning a long stick a short stick, a short blade, a long blade...they should always be within arm's reach of me at all times.

I should always be competent with the footwork and the safety and the body mechanics and the striking angles because I was trained.

For a time I attended formal training sessions in traditional stick fighting arts traditions really tailored for military style combat, more so than sportive or the art forms of it. This was very much stripped down to the core combatives.

Having had that training and then continuing to do those drills outside of training with a master, then for the rest of my life, I'm always gonna have sticks and bladed weapons within reach, and always gonna be able to technologically retrogress and be backwards compatible with those types of weapons, to force pre-modernize in that way.

In the permaculture sense, not just be relying on, what I originally did, ordering my sticks and my training knives online, but eventually actually being able to grow my own materials for stick fighting training.

Have the tools to some degree to at least refashion blade weapons out of wasteland junk materials.

Whether it's the zombie apocalypse or not. If you care to develop a warrior path then having training and having a relationship with all the different scales of ballistics that you possibly can and that you can afford to...

To me, it seems implicit that you would develop these ranges, and then within the budget of time, within the budget of finances...

In a perfect world, we would all be expert marks-people with long, range weapons.

We would all be experts with handguns of all ranges and lengths of barrel, from pistol to rifle and shotgun.

We would all have the time and the resources to not just make expensive noise, but do a lot of scenario based training with all those different scales of firearms.

And then also build our chi, and build our hatchet throwing and knife throwing, and throwing of the stars...

Having all of these ranges, having a wall that has hanging on it, bows and arrows, long guns, pistols, hatchets, machetes, knives, staffs, short sticks, etc, etc.

Your body would thank you so much for all of the pleasure it derives from all of the aches that you ameliorate by this dance of training with all these different tools, because each one of them is going to express a different magical symphony of joint movements and fulcrum movements and body mechanics and generation of force across.

ally where the the, the dance and the and the arts.

You just end up loving life so much that life isn't cheap, and you don't wanna throw it away in a frivolous war. And you don't wanna take life in a frivolous manner because you have so much respect for it.

But you're also hard to kill and trained to kill, and have the skill and the will to kill if necessary for defensive purposes of your yourself, your loved ones, your community, your nation.

But I would love for every, not just man cave, but every, every person cave, to be decked out with all of these different, not just replica firearms, but weapons that you grew, that you wild harvested, that you flint knapped or lashed together. Whether it’s the junk from the wasteland that you Macgyvered up or it’s something that you wild crafted from the bush, or some combination there of.

That’s how I tend to end up working things out, but that you will cultivate and have always within reach, the entire span of, roughly speaking, the span of human tool making and human weapons making. Just hanging on your wall.

If you run out of bullets, you've got bows and arrows, you run out of arrows, you've got some hatchets, you run out of hatchets, you got sticks and etc. on down the line. Or you fall back to pebbles and slingshots...

That wall, representing a rough timeline of the history and prehistory of human tool and weapon making... the less of it you buy, and the more of it you make, the more deep and rewarding of a warrior path you will be able to have in this life.

So what that said, hopefully, that helps you stay fit, stay engaged, loving life, having a purpose, and not engaging in too much a toxic expression of frustrated, aggressive energy, but really applying it to something constructive.