It's been said, some people call it the deep state, I just call it the government.
Because I'm living in a desert, some people call it a heat wave, I just call it the desert.
I just recently did an episode called Shade or Die, and I just listened to an interview with the author of a book, all about how deadly the extreme temperatures are, and how people are underestimating the kill factor of doing things that they would have done normally.
More and more people experiencing unexpected misadventure, what started out as a beautiful day, ends as a nightmare.
I'm very interested in learning about how the business as usual system starts to break down. The point at which the bottom line gets eaten into by climate change.
I know that at least the US military is anti partisan enough, if I can speak broadly, the numbers are more conservative leaning, but in a broad sense...
The mission spanning all the branches of the military, is to be ready to get in the fight and stay in the fight.
So if all of your machines and electronics and personnel are dropping dead like flies...even your drones are gonna start dropping out of the sky at some point, you'd better have a Plan B, and the military is good at stuff like that.
So if anyone's gonna lead a sober climate wisdom contingency plan...planning tactics and strategies of acknowledging what's real without the partisanship, I'm interested.
I read recently that there was some sort of epic plan that was published. I'll have to avail myself of it at some point.
This sort of climate debate...if you're on the right, you would say it's the bleeding heart, mealy mouthed, hand wringing liberals who believe in a conspiracy about how all the polluting corporations and imperialist capitalists are to blame...their just social justice warriors, climate justice warriors, and should be laughed at and dismissed and made fun of.
There's so much hypocrisy and irony, I don't even know where to start.
The people willing to sacrifice nature to have a stronger economy are the ones who allowed globalization to happen in terms of industrial outsourcing and off-shoring, downsizing domestically.
The corporations who are strip mining the Fourth World, outsourcing all of the industrial base from the US economy, polluting the atmosphere, accelerating global warming, and laughing on the way to the bank while their so called voting constituents prop the whole thing up.
I'm really disappointed in the so called climate deniers, but I feel the way that the whole discourse is framed.
Life on Earth has evolved and survived and thrived through ice ages and ages where the temperatures were higher, there was more of a tropical epoch. This is not the hottest time in the history of life on Earth. It may be some of the hottest times in the history of modern human civilization, technological civilization, with recording devices to make note of recent climate shifts.
But to me, it doesn't really matter whether it's completely exogenous, the cause of global warming at this time, whether it's just some murky dynamic between the cycles of the sun and proximity of the Earth.
This is something that we go through on a cyclical basis that we haven't yet fully understood scientifically, so we don't know if it was to be expected or not.
There are certain things like sunspot cycles that we seem to understand the patterns of. I don't wanna fight a battle I haven't already won.
I don't want to enter a discourse where the framing of it says, it's either one hundred percent artificial or one hundred percent cosmic or natural, because the extremists on either side are going to wanna have you fall into alignment with either one of those positions.
Whereas I would say it's probably a little both.
To me, none of the technological waste streams that we create, none of the resource extraction that we do, none of it's justifiable. It's all earth abuse, and it all has to be stopped by force if necessary.
That doesn't mean violence, but it does mean force. Those semantics I'm willing to adjudicate with the grand juries and, and that's the hill I'm willing to die on. That's the cross that I've been willing to bear for most of my life.
It's the art of force versus violence.
Those are my ethical boundaries, and those are the movements of resistance that I come from that make a distinction between force and violence to fight the good fight.
I'll leave that at that for now. But my main point is that I don't endorse more high technology to barely mitigate carbon emissions, or to do cap and trade, or some sort of shell game so that the entire world can raise its toxic living standards up to the First World, so to speak.
While I acknowledge the laments of people in so called developing nations who say it's unfair for the global North or the West to say, well, we made it to this leisure class of luxury and robots and washing machines and living in the space age, only to become lazy, sloth-like, obese fools in paradise.
We can afford to switch to more sustainable energy and industrial processes. Whereas other countries who are still burning a lot of coal, they would say, we're gonna keep burning coal and we're not gonna slow down. Because who are you to tell us that we should opt to cut off our progress towards ultimate technological civilization?
It's easy for you to say you already made it to where you had enough, or you are ready to start looking at alternatives, most of which have a shadow that were now willing to address.
It's a real paradox that we're in, because the global North, the West, it's not popular to want to actually live a hundred percent local. Let's live on a real time solar budget. Let's do the transition town.
The implementation of climate strategies for energy descent take permaculture, principles and core teaching elements and value add to the standard permaculture design course and the permaculture design movement with additional climate awareness and a peak oil sensibility…
I've been associated with transition town leaders over the course of my career over the last at least 15 years or so.
I'm in alignment with the transition town movement, which is not popular because people don't care to sacrifice convenience of high tech in order to have a wholesome, egalitarian, real, natural, resilient, ecologically secure community fabric.
They would rather believe that billionaires are gonna sell them the solution.
I'm pretty cynical about the state of the world, pretty cynical about the West and the North voluntarily abdicating its privilege and actually scaling down its energy demand.
That's the extremist, primitivist Luddite perspective that most people are not gonna be on board with. I'm fully aware that's what it means to be on the fringe and to be marginal, and be an extremist.
So that leaves the global South, the developing world, the less developed world, whatever term you want to use...
For some leaders are going to be spiteful, like setting oil fields ablaze on the way out of a battle zone, of war zone.
That's one way to say F you to the West. Another way is to say, we're gonna keep burning coal, because who are you to tell us to stop?
But if the North is not slowing down demand, and the South is not gonna slow down demand...there's gonna be more carbon emissions, and there's gonna be more of a human, of an anthropogenic global warming greenhouse effect happening that just so happens to collide with and coincide with this nebulous phenomenon, which is maybe a cycle of sorts where we would be getting cooked anyway, even if we weren't doing all this.
That's how I steel man both sides in order to create a middle ground to actually get constructive with in terms of climate deniers and climate justice warriors.
You have to do intellectual jiu jitsu in order to subdue both, in order to get them to work together and get along and be constructive because they're both losing their minds and panicking and not communicating. Why can't you both be right?
The over-simplified thesis of the left is, none of no global warming would be happening if it wasn't for human activity. It's all human activity. Therefore, it's within our power and responsibility, we should feel guilt that motivates us because of the mass extinctions that are happening, and the human suffering that's happening. It's all the fault of human civilization.
That's one extreme position, but let's ask can you compromise a little bit, be a little bit flexible and say, it's 99 % anthrogenic and 1 % cosmic, just say there's a non zero chance that it's not one hundred percent anthrogenic?
Then with the right, could you possibly admit that there's 1% of global warming that's caused by greenhouse gases that are the result of our unsustainable farming practices and the pollution of burning fossil fuels and all kinds of other very, toxic activities that are happening in the modern industrialized world?
If they could admit that it's potentially up to 1%, then now let's do a thought experiment that says, since that you both agree that there is a non zero possible percentage that you could be slightly wrong...
For the sake of argument, or because I'm gonna give you each a million dollars in this focus group. You get paid a million dollars each if you do this focus group, and you honestly allow yourself to except the possibility that there is up to 50% human anthropogenic global warming cause and up to 50% cosmic causes that we have no control over.
Okay, so if I could get that focus group to play along with me in this thought experiment…
So if delivery workers in Arizona are striking right now, because they know that well, what I just heard today, someone claimed it was a 135F degrees in the back of a delivery truck that doesn't have AC built into it…
There are hikers dropping dead. I know that there was a postal worker who dropped dead.
So at a certain point the Venn diagram shows the moderate green left and the right period in its general attitude towards free market capitalism, anti regulation, and certainly anti climate justice...
But what they do care about what would push the right, conservative, scorched Earth, Venn diagram to overlap more with the moderate green left circle is if global warming starts to eat into the bottom line, and then, the military, the private sector is gonna say, this is an existential threat to our mission.
And if your mission is to abuse the Earth, extract all its resources, pimp all of the peoples of the Earth, and let everyone die in combat to defend your wealth, except for you and your children, and that's your agenda...
Well, what if you just start dropping dead too, and the military and the cops that defend your empire start dropping dead because of the heat.
Those who are profiting off of the exploitation of the working class so that they can be the ruling class who run the empire...
When everyone on the chess board who protects you just gets evaporated and disintegrated because of climate change and global warming...
And the whole time, you told them, don't listen to the opposing team, because they're gonna eat into our bottom line, I'm gonna have to pay you less.
You're gonna have to absorb the pay cuts and the price hikes because of me having to be responsive for climate change with my corporate supply chain modifications that would have to be made.
Are you standing there alone on that chess board because climate change starts eating into your profits and then eating into your security forces?
With any intelligence, sometime before that moment, you're gonna say, damn, I don't want to say that the green left was right.
I don't wanna concede to them that I was wrong. But I will say that, like the military, I've got to have a plan B.
If the world is getting hotter, even though I don't care about the polar bears, the world is getting hotter. My employees are now going on strike. It's cutting into my bottom line. The mission, then, for everyone becomes stop pointing fingers and start making the world cooler.
The billionaires wanna find ways to make the world cooler that may or may not include drastic technological shifts that reduce the demand for fossil fuel energy.
Personally, I just wanna live and let live, try to do no harm, be kind, and be as close to zero waste and zero carbon footprint as I can.
I'll live peacefully that way, and maybe fight back a little bit if I can until my final days.
I don't think the right is gonna join with the left, but what it might finally be forced to capitulate to is a form of alliance building, where the acknowledgment is, no matter how you arrive at the conclusion, no matter who's to blame, whether it's the sun, cows or cars, the Earth is heating up.
We know what the greenhouse effect is and if we were to do more carbon sequestration, it would probably have some mitigating effect. Maybe not enough to slow down the runaway effects that are happening now. But if the reason that the right is so dug into the position of defending scorched Earth capitalism is that they don't wanna give an inch to the left, because it's just about saving face at a certain point...
I would hope that they'll snap out of it and say, this isn't about trying to impress people and it, it's not about saving face, and they may just surprise everybody and figure out ways to cool the Earth. Because they realize that they don't have to sign up and get on board with all of the things they oppose about the ideology the left.
They could just say, well, we're gonna make global cooling faster, cheaper, better and get a bunch of venture venture funding to do it. They can be the heroes.
On the extreme green left where I come from, we would always joke about how the word sustainability itself is a lie, it's a joke. It's to be mocked because they don't wanna sustain nature.
Most of them who talk about sustainability, the reformists within the left, or moderates that the more extreme green left sees almost as worse than the right, because the right is willing to be honest about their agenda...
The moderate green green left are like wolfs and sheep's clothing.
They're even more slippery and slithery than the right who are just blunt and honest about their agenda to scorch the Earth for profit.
I'm in a place now where I've learned how to be loving and accepting of everyone.
I wanna reach a point of compassion and understanding.
I was educated in my environmental coming of age around the politics of mending the hoop between the workers and the tree huggers.
That is the most threatening tactical advantage you could have against the state and the corporations who are abusing the Earth. Building alliances between the working class who love nature, the hunters, the fishers, the ones who actually are far more embedded and actually living and breathing and eatin literally from wild nature and the green left environmentalists. Some of us who are or were vegetarians that weren't 100% organic, we didn't think much about how the majority of our diets came from fossil fuel based fertilizers and hence our bodies were made up completely of petro-chem-ag ingredients.
What irony that the loggers we were fighting toe-to-toe with may have been more purely ecological from their hunting and fishing than we were. The conservative, working class hunters and fishers, they're walking soil, they're walking earth, they're walking minerals, are walking wildlife, because they're consuming what they're harvesting out of the wild.
Us veggie green lefties had a lot to learn and some of us started building bridges of understanding.
If only the conservatives were slightly more conservationist they could join forces with the ecologists and have a bigger picture of you and start walking out on their own logging companies.
That was starting to happen, it had teeth.
But the reality is, when I went to the University of Oregon and I went to the environmental law conference, and I watched presenters from labor unions who spoke in very plain down to Earth, in your face English about how tremendous the impact was of joining forces with Earth First so that they could take their union agenda of protecting their jobs and sustainable forestry…
Sustainability wasn't just a mockery because we're not talking about sustaining the status quo. We're talking about sustaining the Earth and regenerating wildness after it has been devastated worldwide.
I already went on strike. I've been on strike for a few years now. I'm not going back to work for the man if I can survive out here. I can do my best to adapt to the deadly heat by resting in the shade, that's a luxury I fought for and will fight not to lose.
I'm grateful to be free from the work force for now. I hope it lasts.
I don't know why there isn't a general strike.
It's like heat strike or heat stroke.
I hope you stay cool. I'm gonna try to stay cool.
On a happy note, I did read a story today about how there's a place in canada where the fire department is making a sort of block party event and they're gonna routinely go out and take a fire truck and create a sprinkler in a public park for the community out of the goodness of their heart, serve treats and give away swag, and do community outreach. To me, that is the state at its best.
Those folks at that fire department, I will salute you. I thank you for giving me something to to warm my heart and to cool my rage, to chill me out, give me that, that chill pill that I needed as I'm pretty aggravated and agitated by the heat.
I'm really sad to hear about all the people suffering and dying who don't have the luxury I have to be basically a skid row scale glamper, who is financially free enough not to have to go and drop dead delivering pizzas or whatever right now.
It's been said, some people call it the deep state, I just call it the government.
Because I'm living in a desert, some people call it a heat wave, I just call it the desert.
I just recently did an episode called Shade or Die, and I just listened to an interview with the author of a book, all about how deadly the extreme temperatures are, and how people are underestimating the kill factor of doing things that they would have done normally.
More and more people experiencing unexpected misadventure, what started out as a beautiful day, ends as a nightmare.
I'm very interested in learning about how the business as usual system starts to break down. The point at which the bottom line gets eaten into by climate change.
I know that at least the US military is anti partisan enough, if I can speak broadly, the numbers are more conservative leaning, but in a broad sense...
The mission spanning all the branches of the military, is to be ready to get in the fight and stay in the fight.
So if all of your machines and electronics and personnel are dropping dead like flies...even your drones are gonna start dropping out of the sky at some point, you'd better have a Plan B, and the military is good at stuff like that.
So if anyone's gonna lead a sober climate wisdom contingency plan...planning tactics and strategies of acknowledging what's real without the partisanship, I'm interested.
I read recently that there was some sort of epic plan that was published. I'll have to avail myself of it at some point.
This sort of climate debate...if you're on the right, you would say it's the bleeding heart, mealy mouthed, hand wringing liberals who believe in a conspiracy about how all the polluting corporations and imperialist capitalists are to blame...their just social justice warriors, climate justice warriors, and should be laughed at and dismissed and made fun of.
There's so much hypocrisy and irony, I don't even know where to start.
The people willing to sacrifice nature to have a stronger economy are the ones who allowed globalization to happen in terms of industrial outsourcing and off-shoring, downsizing domestically.
The corporations who are strip mining the Fourth World, outsourcing all of the industrial base from the US economy, polluting the atmosphere, accelerating global warming, and laughing on the way to the bank while their so called voting constituents prop the whole thing up.
I'm really disappointed in the so called climate deniers, but I feel the way that the whole discourse is framed.
Life on Earth has evolved and survived and thrived through ice ages and ages where the temperatures were higher, there was more of a tropical epoch. This is not the hottest time in the history of life on Earth. It may be some of the hottest times in the history of modern human civilization, technological civilization, with recording devices to make note of recent climate shifts.
But to me, it doesn't really matter whether it's completely exogenous, the cause of global warming at this time, whether it's just some murky dynamic between the cycles of the sun and proximity of the Earth.
This is something that we go through on a cyclical basis that we haven't yet fully understood scientifically, so we don't know if it was to be expected or not.
There are certain things like sunspot cycles that we seem to understand the patterns of. I don't wanna fight a battle I haven't already won.
I don't want to enter a discourse where the framing of it says, it's either one hundred percent artificial or one hundred percent cosmic or natural, because the extremists on either side are going to wanna have you fall into alignment with either one of those positions.
Whereas I would say it's probably a little both.
To me, none of the technological waste streams that we create, none of the resource extraction that we do, none of it's justifiable. It's all earth abuse, and it all has to be stopped by force if necessary.
That doesn't mean violence, but it does mean force. Those semantics I'm willing to adjudicate with the grand juries and, and that's the hill I'm willing to die on. That's the cross that I've been willing to bear for most of my life.
It's the art of force versus violence.
Those are my ethical boundaries, and those are the movements of resistance that I come from that make a distinction between force and violence to fight the good fight.
I'll leave that at that for now. But my main point is that I don't endorse more high technology to barely mitigate carbon emissions, or to do cap and trade, or some sort of shell game so that the entire world can raise its toxic living standards up to the First World, so to speak.
While I acknowledge the laments of people in so called developing nations who say it's unfair for the global North or the West to say, well, we made it to this leisure class of luxury and robots and washing machines and living in the space age, only to become lazy, sloth-like, obese fools in paradise.
We can afford to switch to more sustainable energy and industrial processes. Whereas other countries who are still burning a lot of coal, they would say, we're gonna keep burning coal and we're not gonna slow down. Because who are you to tell us that we should opt to cut off our progress towards ultimate technological civilization?
It's easy for you to say you already made it to where you had enough, or you are ready to start looking at alternatives, most of which have a shadow that were now willing to address.
It's a real paradox that we're in, because the global North, the West, it's not popular to want to actually live a hundred percent local. Let's live on a real time solar budget. Let's do the transition town.
The implementation of climate strategies for energy descent take permaculture, principles and core teaching elements and value add to the standard permaculture design course and the permaculture design movement with additional climate awareness and a peak oil sensibility…
I've been associated with transition town leaders over the course of my career over the last at least 15 years or so.
I'm in alignment with the transition town movement, which is not popular because people don't care to sacrifice convenience of high tech in order to have a wholesome, egalitarian, real, natural, resilient, ecologically secure community fabric.
They would rather believe that billionaires are gonna sell them the solution.
I'm pretty cynical about the state of the world, pretty cynical about the West and the North voluntarily abdicating its privilege and actually scaling down its energy demand.
That's the extremist, primitivist Luddite perspective that most people are not gonna be on board with. I'm fully aware that's what it means to be on the fringe and to be marginal, and be an extremist.
So that leaves the global South, the developing world, the less developed world, whatever term you want to use...
For some leaders are going to be spiteful, like setting oil fields ablaze on the way out of a battle zone, of war zone.
That's one way to say F you to the West. Another way is to say, we're gonna keep burning coal, because who are you to tell us to stop?
But if the North is not slowing down demand, and the South is not gonna slow down demand...there's gonna be more carbon emissions, and there's gonna be more of a human, of an anthropogenic global warming greenhouse effect happening that just so happens to collide with and coincide with this nebulous phenomenon, which is maybe a cycle of sorts where we would be getting cooked anyway, even if we weren't doing all this.
That's how I steel man both sides in order to create a middle ground to actually get constructive with in terms of climate deniers and climate justice warriors.
You have to do intellectual jiu jitsu in order to subdue both, in order to get them to work together and get along and be constructive because they're both losing their minds and panicking and not communicating. Why can't you both be right?
The over-simplified thesis of the left is, none of no global warming would be happening if it wasn't for human activity. It's all human activity. Therefore, it's within our power and responsibility, we should feel guilt that motivates us because of the mass extinctions that are happening, and the human suffering that's happening. It's all the fault of human civilization.
That's one extreme position, but let's ask can you compromise a little bit, be a little bit flexible and say, it's 99 % anthrogenic and 1 % cosmic, just say there's a non zero chance that it's not one hundred percent anthrogenic?
Then with the right, could you possibly admit that there's 1% of global warming that's caused by greenhouse gases that are the result of our unsustainable farming practices and the pollution of burning fossil fuels and all kinds of other very, toxic activities that are happening in the modern industrialized world?
If they could admit that it's potentially up to 1%, then now let's do a thought experiment that says, since that you both agree that there is a non zero possible percentage that you could be slightly wrong...
For the sake of argument, or because I'm gonna give you each a million dollars in this focus group. You get paid a million dollars each if you do this focus group, and you honestly allow yourself to except the possibility that there is up to 50% human anthropogenic global warming cause and up to 50% cosmic causes that we have no control over.
Okay, so if I could get that focus group to play along with me in this thought experiment…
So if delivery workers in Arizona are striking right now, because they know that well, what I just heard today, someone claimed it was a 135F degrees in the back of a delivery truck that doesn't have AC built into it…
There are hikers dropping dead. I know that there was a postal worker who dropped dead.
So at a certain point the Venn diagram shows the moderate green left and the right period in its general attitude towards free market capitalism, anti regulation, and certainly anti climate justice...
But what they do care about what would push the right, conservative, scorched Earth, Venn diagram to overlap more with the moderate green left circle is if global warming starts to eat into the bottom line, and then, the military, the private sector is gonna say, this is an existential threat to our mission.
And if your mission is to abuse the Earth, extract all its resources, pimp all of the peoples of the Earth, and let everyone die in combat to defend your wealth, except for you and your children, and that's your agenda...
Well, what if you just start dropping dead too, and the military and the cops that defend your empire start dropping dead because of the heat.
Those who are profiting off of the exploitation of the working class so that they can be the ruling class who run the empire...
When everyone on the chess board who protects you just gets evaporated and disintegrated because of climate change and global warming...
And the whole time, you told them, don't listen to the opposing team, because they're gonna eat into our bottom line, I'm gonna have to pay you less.
You're gonna have to absorb the pay cuts and the price hikes because of me having to be responsive for climate change with my corporate supply chain modifications that would have to be made.
Are you standing there alone on that chess board because climate change starts eating into your profits and then eating into your security forces?
With any intelligence, sometime before that moment, you're gonna say, damn, I don't want to say that the green left was right.
I don't wanna concede to them that I was wrong. But I will say that, like the military, I've got to have a plan B.
If the world is getting hotter, even though I don't care about the polar bears, the world is getting hotter. My employees are now going on strike. It's cutting into my bottom line. The mission, then, for everyone becomes stop pointing fingers and start making the world cooler.
The billionaires wanna find ways to make the world cooler that may or may not include drastic technological shifts that reduce the demand for fossil fuel energy.
Personally, I just wanna live and let live, try to do no harm, be kind, and be as close to zero waste and zero carbon footprint as I can.
I'll live peacefully that way, and maybe fight back a little bit if I can until my final days.
I don't think the right is gonna join with the left, but what it might finally be forced to capitulate to is a form of alliance building, where the acknowledgment is, no matter how you arrive at the conclusion, no matter who's to blame, whether it's the sun, cows or cars, the Earth is heating up.
We know what the greenhouse effect is and if we were to do more carbon sequestration, it would probably have some mitigating effect. Maybe not enough to slow down the runaway effects that are happening now. But if the reason that the right is so dug into the position of defending scorched Earth capitalism is that they don't wanna give an inch to the left, because it's just about saving face at a certain point...
I would hope that they'll snap out of it and say, this isn't about trying to impress people and it, it's not about saving face, and they may just surprise everybody and figure out ways to cool the Earth. Because they realize that they don't have to sign up and get on board with all of the things they oppose about the ideology the left.
They could just say, well, we're gonna make global cooling faster, cheaper, better and get a bunch of venture venture funding to do it. They can be the heroes.
On the extreme green left where I come from, we would always joke about how the word sustainability itself is a lie, it's a joke. It's to be mocked because they don't wanna sustain nature.
Most of them who talk about sustainability, the reformists within the left, or moderates that the more extreme green left sees almost as worse than the right, because the right is willing to be honest about their agenda...
The moderate green green left are like wolfs and sheep's clothing.
They're even more slippery and slithery than the right who are just blunt and honest about their agenda to scorch the Earth for profit.
I'm in a place now where I've learned how to be loving and accepting of everyone.
I wanna reach a point of compassion and understanding.
I was educated in my environmental coming of age around the politics of mending the hoop between the workers and the tree huggers.
That is the most threatening tactical advantage you could have against the state and the corporations who are abusing the Earth. Building alliances between the working class who love nature, the hunters, the fishers, the ones who actually are far more embedded and actually living and breathing and eatin literally from wild nature and the green left environmentalists. Some of us who are or were vegetarians that weren't 100% organic, we didn't think much about how the majority of our diets came from fossil fuel based fertilizers and hence our bodies were made up completely of petro-chem-ag ingredients.
What irony that the loggers we were fighting toe-to-toe with may have been more purely ecological from their hunting and fishing than we were. The conservative, working class hunters and fishers, they're walking soil, they're walking earth, they're walking minerals, are walking wildlife, because they're consuming what they're harvesting out of the wild.
Us veggie green lefties had a lot to learn and some of us started building bridges of understanding.
If only the conservatives were slightly more conservationist they could join forces with the ecologists and have a bigger picture of you and start walking out on their own logging companies.
That was starting to happen, it had teeth.
But the reality is, when I went to the University of Oregon and I went to the environmental law conference, and I watched presenters from labor unions who spoke in very plain down to Earth, in your face English about how tremendous the impact was of joining forces with Earth First so that they could take their union agenda of protecting their jobs and sustainable forestry…
Sustainability wasn't just a mockery because we're not talking about sustaining the status quo. We're talking about sustaining the Earth and regenerating wildness after it has been devastated worldwide.
I already went on strike. I've been on strike for a few years now. I'm not going back to work for the man if I can survive out here. I can do my best to adapt to the deadly heat by resting in the shade, that's a luxury I fought for and will fight not to lose.
I'm grateful to be free from the work force for now. I hope it lasts.
I don't know why there isn't a general strike.
It's like heat strike or heat stroke.
I hope you stay cool. I'm gonna try to stay cool.
On a happy note, I did read a story today about how there's a place in canada where the fire department is making a sort of block party event and they're gonna routinely go out and take a fire truck and create a sprinkler in a public park for the community out of the goodness of their heart, serve treats and give away swag, and do community outreach. To me, that is the state at its best.
Those folks at that fire department, I will salute you. I thank you for giving me something to to warm my heart and to cool my rage, to chill me out, give me that, that chill pill that I needed as I'm pretty aggravated and agitated by the heat.
I'm really sad to hear about all the people suffering and dying who don't have the luxury I have to be basically a skid row scale glamper, who is financially free enough not to have to go and drop dead delivering pizzas or whatever right now.